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小学英语《In a nature park会话课》教案

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-07-17 15:27 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]

一、Teaching Objectives

1. Students can understand the conversation and use the sentences “Is there…?”; “Yes, there is.”; “No, there isn’t.”

2. Students can be aware of the beauty of nature by learning the dialogue and discussing the scenery of park.

3. Students can improve their logical thinking ability.

4. Students can develop their listening and speaking abilities through different activities like role-play.

二、Teaching Key Points

1. Students understand the sentences “Is there…?”; “Yes, there is.”; “No, there isn’t.”

2. Students can use these certain expressions to communicate with others.

三、Teaching Difficult Point

Students can use the key sentences flexibly in different situations.

四、Teaching Aids

Pictures, radios, and dictionaries.

五、Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Warm-up

Sing a song to greet.

“Follow my right hand, left hand, come on, look my way,

left hand, right hand, show my dream and faith”.

(备注:以上歌曲为TF boys《青春修炼手册》英文版)

And then, ask students some questions.


Do you know who sing this song?

Do you like TF boys?

Step 2. Leading in

Create a situation that students and TF boys are going to travel together, and ask students one question.


Where do you want to go?

Step 3. Presentation

1. Ask students to close their books and listen to the dialogue, and find out the answer to “What are they talking about?” After that, check whether their answers are right or not.

2. Ask students to open their books and listen to the dialogue again and answer two questions: “Is there a lake in the forest?” and “Is there a river in the forest?” After that, check their answers and lead out the sentence “Is there…?”; “Yes, there is.”; and “No, there isn’t.”

3. Write the sentences on the blackboard and read it. Students understand the meaning of these sentences by different examples that the teacher gives.

4. Ask the students to listen to the tape for the third time and read after the tape.

Step 4. Practice

Activity 1: Role-play

Two students are in one group. Act out the conversation between Zhang Peng and Miss White.

Activity 2: Hot potato

Play a game called “Hot potato” to choose the group who is going to show their dialogue in the class. The teacher plays a piece of music and students pass a ball. When the teacher stops the music, which group get the ball will show their dialogue.

Step 5. Consolidation

Make a survey

Divide the whole class into groups. Four students are in a group. Students make a survey about their group members’ favorite places. One student asks “Is there…?”; other students can answer “Yes, there is.” or “No, there isn’t.” Then invite some groups to make a report in the class.

Step 6. Summary

Invite students to summarize what they have learned today and make some supplements if necessary and help students enjoy the beautiful view of nature.

Step 7. Homework

Ask students to observe and draw a picture of their school after class. And introduce the picture with the new learned sentences. Students are encouraged to share with the whole class the next day.







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